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.NET MAUI Community Standup

The topic for this month’s .NET MAUI community standup is so interesting, Testing your MAUI Apps ft. Gerald Versluis.

Remember to join live on Thu, Apr 4 at 17:00 UTCClick the link to access the timing in your local/preferred time zone. Note, it’s back at the same time.

Update: The community links for this month’s standup are here.

A clip from the recorded standup discussing the perplexing errors encountered during the testing of .NET MAUI Apps.

The All-in-One .NET MAUI App templates support this feature out of the box by incorporating the base framework TFM and conditionally configuring the OutputType property 😊.

.NET MAUI Project File - Base TFM and Conditional OutputType
.NET MAUI Project File – Base TFM and Conditional OutputType
dotnet new mauiapp -o MyApp

Happy coding. Stay connected as we continue to learn and share the experiences from this exciting journey of being a .NET developer.